Elettronica Group al Singapore Airshow

The world is again becoming a more dangerous place. In today’s complex threat environment, the Elettronica Group – one of Europe’s primary Electronic and Cyber Warfare spcialists – works with the Governments and the Armed forces of 28 nations to help them protect their borders and their populations, supplying with strategic surveillance capabilities as well as self-defence and electronic attack systems for airborne, naval and ground use.

Elettronica’s product line covers a broad range of EW solutions, from individual stand-alone units to complete integrated systems combining both sophisticated in-house technologies and open modular architectures. The company works with its Customers to guarantee their self-sufficiency and autonomy and has a strong record of successful international collaboration with platform manufacturers as well as with electronic systems providers and integrators in complex and challenging programs such as Eurofighter Typhoon, Horizon and FREMM frigates, NH90 Helo, Baynunah corvettes for UAE Navy, AW101 Helo, AMX and Mirage 2000 fighters. Elettronica, through its CY4Gate joint venture with Expert System – a leader in semantic computing – supplies sophisticated Cyber Intelligence and Electronic Warfare systems providing superior, fast and comprehensive analysis of structured and non structured data streams from ELINT to Tactical/Strategic COMINT and Open Source (OSINT), virtual Humint, Meta Data Analysis, Data Mining and Fusion, all integrated within both passive and active defensive cyber applications.

During the Singapore Airshow, Elettronica will be highlighting:


VIRGILIUS, an advanced, multiplatform, fully integrated, flexible Electronic Warfare architecture which exploits advanced signal processing techniques and key enabling technologies to deliver superior performance.

Modular design permits tailoring solutions to specific Customer/Final User needs, both for emitter detection, classification and identification as well as to counter a wide threat variety including: radar controlled Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA), Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM), Air-to-Air Missiles (AAM), Early Warning, Search and modern Multifunction Radars of different classes and platforms.

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ELT/572 DIRCM (Directional Infrared Countermeasures). Shoulder-launched MANPAD (Man Portable Air Defense Systems) missiles are one of the major threats to airborne platforms, especially in asymmetric conflict environments and in terrorist actions.

The fibre laser technology of the ELT/572 improves the performance, effectiveness, reliability and efficiency in countering this evolving threat, reducing installation constraints and the complex set-up and maintenance operations of older DIRCM suites. The system uses a small, fast-slewing turret driven by sophisticated algorithms to accurately concentrate laser fire on the sensors of incoming missiles, ensuring effective protection of the platform even in the event of multiple simultaneous threats.

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The ELT/160 family of low cost light Radar Warning Receivers provides self-protection for utility and combat aircraft and helicopters during operations in insecure areas, anti-tank missions and escort of ground vehicles. This family of Radar Warning Receivers in all its versions, from the light to the combat version, is designed to detect, analyse and identify the intercepted electromagnetic emissions that signal a threat to the platform in an extremely short time and beyond the maximum weapon system engagement distance. As with all Elettronica passive systems, the ELT/160 RWR extractor can perform perfectly in absence of pre-flight information. The Elt/160 EW manager can coordinate LW, MW and C/F dispenser for a complete integrated suite.

A scale model of the MPA Bombardier, an example of a fixed wing craft fitted with dual receiver ELT/800 equipment, one of the advanced EW systems for Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) developed by the company. The ELT/800 is an innovation in ELINT equipment design for fixed and rotary wing applications and provides a superior product based on a Wide-Open and Superhet Digital Receiver architecture through a unique system approach and modern technologies. The system allows Tactical Surveillance (ESM function) and highly accurate data processing for
intelligence analysis purposes (ELINT function). The ELT/800 is a compact and light weight solution providing installation flexibility. Fully compatible, it can be deployed on any legacy and future generation of airborne platforms.

The CY4Gate D-SINT (Digital Spectrum Intelligence Integrated System), is a cyber intelligence system for the analysis of structured and unstructured data through an integration of hardware and software tools that handle data formats coming from any kind of source, including private data repositories. The D-SINT helps to better manage the Intelligence Cycle (planning and direction, collection, analysis, production and dissemination) in order to take command decisions based on
Cyber Intelligence and Situational Awareness deriving from heterogeneous data.

A video presentation of the Group’s ADRIAN (Anti Drone Interception Acquisition Neutralization) the anti-drone system specifically designed to manage mini and micro drone threats, is intended primarily to counter the growing security risks posed by lightweight civilian “quadri-copter” drones at public events and in civil airspace. It is based on multispectral sensors (Radar, EO/IR, acoustic and radio link interceptor), data fusion for the detection and identification functions and on a reactive and adaptive jammer to interrupt the remote control link of the platform, and the navigation aids signals used to follow the programmed route through proper waypoints.

The Elettronica Group, based in Rome, has been at the cutting edge of electronic warfare for more than six decades. Privately controlled, both France’s Thales and Italy’s Finmeccanica/Leonardo have important minority stakes in the Group which is composed by Elettronica – the headquarter in Rome – leader in full EW capabilities, Elt Gmbh – the subsidiary in Mackenheim, Germany – active in homeland security applications – and Cy4gate specialized in Cyber EW&Intelligence.

Singapore Airshow, February 6-11 2018 Stand R-87


Fonte: comunicato Elettronica Group


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