Elettronica Group al Salone aerospaziale di Farnborough

From 16th to 22nd of July, Elettronica Group will attend the Farnborough International Airshow 2018, the most awaited event in the Aerospace, Defence and Security industry. Elettronica Group, with its three industrial assets – Elettronica SpA (Electronic Warfare), Elettronica GMBH (Homelend Security & EW), CY4GATE (Cyberwarfare) – as a European leader in Defence & Security, will showcase its latest technical solutions. Elettronica’s systems are in service in more than 30 countries and deployed with their Armed Forces and Security Agencies performing a variety of key operational missions, from Strategic Surveillance, to Self Protection, Sigint, Electronic Attack and Operational Support for airborne, naval and ground applications. Elettronica Group boasts a strong record of successful domestic and international collaborations on all the key modern military platforms such as the Italian PPA, the fighter EurofighterTyphoon, the NFH-90 helicopter, the Italian and French ship class Horizon and FREMM, and a wide range of projects in the Gulf, Middle East and Asia.


At Farnborough, the spotlight will be on the last strategic collaboration with Indra, another European Defense leader, for the first next- generation, fully European self-protection Infra Red solution, to defend any type of airborne platforms, from helicopters to transport/tanker to jets, from heat-guided missiles (MANPAD). The solution, named EuroDIRQM (Direct InfraRed Countermeasure) reflects its European roots and the use of a new technology -the Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL)*-, is the latest development in laser technology that represents a step forward from conventional semiconductor lasers. The EuroDIRQM solution will bring together about 30 years of combined experience in the DIRCM field by the two companies. MANPADS are today the main cause for military aircraft losses in conflict scenarios representing an international threat and a global concern due to their proliferation and their use by terrorist groups.

* QCL energy is generated directly in the band of interest, optimizing power consumption at the same time as output beam. The DIRCM operational concept is based on the detection of the incoming threat during the missile launch and the countermeasure of the missile guidance using a directed laser beam that deviates the trajectory of the missile. All the process is quick and automatic, and the system can react against attacks of any IR seeker with a jamming sequence that ensures successful countermeasure.

In addition to MANPADS, new military and security challenges are arising globally in the form of new lethal threats, and one of them is the massive growth in the use of drones. ADRIAN (Anti-Drone Interception Acquisition and Neutralization) is an advanced anti-drone system* dedicated to the protection of critical infrastructures and public areas during public events and civil airspace from hostile mini and micro drones threats. The company is already working with the Italian Air and Land Forces for the supply of our anti drone system (technical info http://www.elt-roma.com/product/adrian) and with a country in the Middle East.

*The system is based on multispectral sensors (Radar, EO/IR, acoustic and radio link interceptor)data fusion for the detection and identification functions and on a reactive and adaptive jammer to interrupt the remote control link of the platform without interfering with the communications that insist in the same area, and the navigation aids signals used to follow the programmed route through proper waypoints

EDGE (002)

 Farnborough will also offer to Elettronica Group the opportunity to showcase EDGE, the new Escort Jamming solution for airborne applications based on a high level of electronic and mechanical innovation. An autonomous pod configuration designed to increase the survivability and success of attacking airborne forces with unique performances and installation capabilities.‎ EDGE’s functions are designed to create a safe corridor for multiple mission aircraft. Its embedded ELINT features and networking capabilities enhance situational awareness, intelligence collection. and advanced jamming countermeasure against new 3-digit radars (technical data http://www.elt-roma.com/product/edge).

Elettronica is the co-design authority of the PRAETORIAN self-protection system in wing-tip-pod configuration on board of the Eurofighter Typhoon platform, that allows the aircraft to dominate the electromagnetic scenario by automatically responding to air-to-air and surface-to-air threats (for more informations http://www.elt-roma.com/programmes/eurofighter).

At the Airshow Customers and Partners will finally have the opportunity to appreciate the Training & Education activities offered by the Group with its EW Academy, a modern and advanced center with dedicated infrastructures, assets, processes, scenario simulations and experts covering every aspect the evolving Electronic Warfare domain.  Five selected and reputed Customers in the world have already granted their trust to Elettronica, also thanks to an unprecedented experience gained in over 65 years.

ELETTRONICA GROUP, based in Rome, has been on the cutting edge of Electronic Warfare for more than 60 years, supplying strategic surveillance capabilities, self-defense and electronic attack systems for naval, airborne and ground use to the Armed Forces and Governments of 30 Countries. Privately controlled, both Thales and Leonardo own important minority stakes in the Group, which is composed by Elettronica S.p.A, headquarter leader in full EW capabilities, CY4GATE,  specialized in Cyber EW, Cyber Security and Intelligence, and Elettronica Gmbh, the German subsidiary specialized in EW signal processing design and production and Homeland Security solutions.

Fonte: comunicato Elettronica Group

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